
Intel 11th generation processors confirmed to be shipped in advance: January mass production

It has been determined that Intel will officially release the 11th generation of desktop processors next month. At the same time, it will also bring motherboard products of the 500 series chipset, including the high-end Z590 and mainstream B560.

However, there has been news recently that the 11th-generation desktop processors will be on sale two months in advance and will be available in March next year, and it is said that the inventory is very sufficient. The latest leaked roadmap, showing the entire birth process of the 11th generation desktop Core, suddenly accelerated at the last moment.

The 11th-generation desktop Core was originally planned to be put into production in mid-January next year (Prod), and mass shipments (RTS) will be started from mid-March to mid-April. However, an arrow is added to the figure to advance the shipment time to mid-January. That is to say, shipments began almost at the same time as production.

The sidelines should not rush to install the device, perhaps in March and April next year, they can find good hardware with “increased volume without price increase”.

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