Ultra Lock App Android phone

What is Ultra Lock App? How to install it on your Android phone

Ultra Lock is an impressive app for your Android phone as it aims to improve your device’s security and privacy. Unlike other app-lock application that only offers PIN or Pattern-based options, the Ultra Lock app opens new choices to safeguard your handset from prying hands.

Some of these options are:

  • Hours and Minutes PIN

Sets the current hours and minutes as your lock screen PIN. Since hours and minutes in phone changes, your PIN will also alter according. And the best part is that you need not remember the ever-changing PIN.

  • Date and Month PIN

Don’t want to change your PIN every minute? Then try the data and month option. As the name reflects, it will change the lock screen PIN depending on the current date and month.

  • Battery and Battery PIN

It sets your lock screen PIN as the current battery level in your phone.

Apart from these, other interesting features are Time-based Lock, WiFi-based Lock, Intruder Detection, Last Unlock Time, Lock PIN Modifiers, Random Numeric Keypad, and Photo and Gallery Lock.

How to install the Ultra Lock App on your Android phone?

  1. Open the Google Play Store
  2. Search for the Ultra Lock app
  3. Hit the Download tab
  4. You can also tap HERE to install the app directly.

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Ultra Lock App Android phone