Apple iOS 17.2 iMessage Contact Key Verification

What is iOS 17.2 iMessage Contact Key Verification? How it is useful for Apple devices

Apple iOS 17.2 beta is out and carries some useful features including the iMessage Contact Key Verification. Notably, this capability aims to shield your data and sensitive information from extraordinary digital threats.

Consequently, the iMessage Contact Key Verification feature in the Apple iOS 17.2 beta enables users to verify that they are messaging only with the people they intend. Thus, when a user enables it, they will get an alert about any validation errors directly in the Messages conversation transcript and Apple ID Settings.

How iMessage Contact Key Verification is useful for Apple Devices?

To provide a secure user experience and reliable safety protocols, Apple has worked on the following aspects, which make this service useful:

  1. Secure a source of truth – for key material as well as metadata in a way that can’t alter by unauthorized entities, including the key directory service operator.
  2. Automatically verify – the key material and metadata presented by the key directory service against this source of truth.
  3. Synchronize the source of truth – across all current and future devices authorized by a user for their account.
  4. Detect split views – between what the key directory service presents for a user’s identifiers and what it presents to peers (other conversation participants) for that user.
  5. Scale – to billions of users and all of their conversations, including one-to-one discussions as well as group chats.
  6. Notify users – only when an unexpected security condition occurs. Warnings must be rare and accurate, rather than the system relying on the user to notice ongoing positive indicators of security.

You can read more about this feature HERE.

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Apple iOS 17.2 iMessage Contact Key Verification

What is iOS 17.2 iMessage Contact Key Verification? How it is useful for Apple devices
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