What is new ‘Repost Stories’ feature on Telegram? How does it work



Telegram is getting a new update that brings an exciting range of capabilities on board, including the Repost Stories feature. As the name suggests, users will be able to repost amazing stories from their friends and favorite channels that they follow.

On the other hand, reposting stories will give you access to some ‘additional benefits’. For instance, you can now add text, audio, and even a video comment along with a separate visibility setting for your repost. Perhaps, users would have an iconic experience like never before.

How does the Repost Stories feature on Telegram work?

To repost a story, users have to hit the share arrow tab at the bottom of the screen. Hereafter, choose the ‘Repost Story’ option. In case you worry about the privacy aspects, you can set the visibility to Everyone.

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Telegram Repost Stories Feature(Source)