
iPhone Tip: How to check iPhone battery usage?

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There could be several reasons why you might need to fix iPhone battery usage. It could be the result of some intensive process that you just need to wait out, or it could be something more serious. In any case, here’s how you can handle an iPhone battery.

Whether you restore from backup or set up as new, your new iPhone or updated version of iOS 14.5 could expend up a lot of power downloading apps, games, mail, photos, and other content.

So, note down how much battery life you have left. Then put your iPhone down for 20 to 40 minutes. When you pick it back up, note down how much battery life you have left again. If there isn’t a big change while on standby, you’re probably okay, and your battery life will return to normal when your usage returns to normal.

How to check your iPhone’s battery usage

  1. Launch Settings from your Home screen.
  2. Tap on Battery. Wait a moment for Battery Usage to populate.
  3. Tap on the Show Activity button to get a breakdown of foreground and background power usage.
  4. Tap on the Last 10 Days to get a broader look at power consumption over time.

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