
Nintendo Switch successfully runs Cyberpunk 2077 with Google Stadia

Although it runs pretty badly on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, some people have now found a way to make “Cyberpunk 2077” playable on Nintendo Switch. And the thought that “Cyberpunk” can be played on the Switch may make you feel that the experience will be horrible, but the way the game is accessed on the Switch is not what you think.

YouTuber Nintendrew found a strange workaround to allow Nintendo Switch to play “Cyberpunk 2077”. For some reason, the platform cannot run the game natively, so how did he accomplish this feat? The answer is to use Google Stadia cloud gaming.

Nintendrew cracked his Switch, allowing the installation of Android software so that Google Stadia can be downloaded to the platform.

The interesting thing about “Cyberpunk 2077” running on the Switch in this way is that players can still use Joy-Con or Nintendo professional controllers to play the game. There is no need to connect different types of handles to the Switch in some way. Once Stadia is installed, you can play games through the service like you normally play native games on the Switch.

As for the performance of “Cyberpunk 2077” on the Switch, it is actually very good. Similarly, since this is a game played through Stadia, all the hardware used to run the game is elsewhere, so it is not so dependent on the performance of the Switch itself. It can run stably at 720p in handheld mode, if you connect it to a TV, you can output 1080p.

It needs to be reminded that if you try to do this on your Switch, there is a risk of bricking the device. In addition, the equipment will lose its warranty.

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