
Huawei Xu Wenwei: 5.5G are compatible with all 5G devices

According to Huawei Xu Wenwei, director of Huawei and Dean of the Institute of Strategic Studies, recently delivered a speech on the theme of ‘Future Vision of Intelligent Connectivity of Everything’ at the IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 conference.

As per report of Xu Wenwei, at the meeting that 5.5G is the next step in the wireless communications industry. The 5.5G vision is an enhancement and expansion of the 5G scenario.

  1. The first step is to continue to enhance the three standard scenarios of eMBB, mMTC, and URLLC defined by the ITU.
  2. Then 5.5G will be expanded with 3 new scenarios, including uplink ultra-wideband UCBC (Uplink Centric Broadband Communication), broadband real-time interactive RTBC (Real-time Broadband Communication), and HCS (Harmonized Communication and Sensing).

Xu Wenwei pointed out that 5.5G comes from 5G and needs to be compatible with all 5G devices. 5.5G needs to realize the flexible use of sub-100GHz full frequency band on demand.

Liu Liehong, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, stated on the 15th that my country has built the world’s largest 5G network, with a total of 718,000 5G base stations built, and promoted the construction and sharing of 330,000 5G base stations.


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