
Twitter algorithm should become open-source algorithm: Musk

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Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion today, which has become blockbuster news in the IT industry. Earlier this month, Musk also pledged to open-source Twitter’s algorithm if it acquired it.

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The revealer @Ryen_D found that Twitter created a blank repository called ” the-algorithm (algorithm)” on GitHub today, which attracted more than 5,000 Stars in just six hours.

Moreover, Musk has previously stated that he believes “it is extremely important to provide an inclusive stage for freedom of speech.” He believes that the Twitter algorithm should become an open-source algorithm, and the background code should be placed on the Github platform.

It seems that Musk did what he said, and followed up with open source as soon as the acquisition news was announced. It is not clear when the algorithm files will be online.

“Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of how democracy works, and Twitter is a digital town square where people discuss issues that are vital to the future of humanity, and I also hope that by using new Feature-enhancing products, open-sourcing algorithms to increase trust, defeating spambots, and verifying real people for everyone makes Twitter better than ever.”


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