
How to configure the gestures on Android?

The use of gestures is one of the many powerful functions supported by modern smartphones. The touch screen allows you to swipe and perform more complex gestures, which can be configured to perform any number of actions on Android.

The simple gesture is to swipe down from the top of the screen to view notifications. Other more complex gestures may involve swiping up on shapes or letters on the screen to perform actions.

How to configure the gestures

  • To configure a gesture, first select which edge of the screen you would like to use. The left and right edges can both be configured with one or two swipe gestures, whereas the bottom edge can have up to six.
  • By tapping the “Swipe” or “Swipe Far” gesture you can configure what the gesture will do. There is a range of action options, some of which require a minimum version of Android or newer. You can also configure the swipe action to open an app by tapping “Apps” at the top right of the action selection screen.

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