RTM version of Windows 10 21H1 feature update has been compiled: Microsoft will further polish it to fix bugs and improve performance

Although many engineers took leave in advance, Microsoft did not relax the advancement of the Windows 10 21H1 update.

As per the news, Windows Central editor Zac Bowden, the RTM version of the Windows 10 21H1 feature update has been compiled.

In the next few months, Microsoft will further polish it to fix bugs and improve performance.

It was revealed that the RTM version number of the Windows 10 21H1 feature update is Build 19403, and I will meet you as a minor update.

Currently, the version number of Windows 10 20H1 is Build 19401, and the version number of Windows 10 20H2 is Build 19402.

It can be seen from the version number that the update is not large, and the update is mainly to fix bugs and improve performance.

It should be noted that Microsoft is changing the updating rhythm of Windows 10 in order to make way for the Windows 10X system.

It will transfer the heavy functions of Windows 10 to the 21H2 feature update to be launched in the second half of next year.

Currently, Windows 10X is also in the RTM state, but the new version launched is currently only for single-screen devices, and the dual-screen version will be postponed to 2022.
