According to HALO’s official site, Microsoft plans to terminate support for the “Halo” game service on Xbox 360, but users still have time to upgrade, but Microsoft said some game features will be discontinued.
Xbox 360 was released in 2005 and has a history of 15 years. Although it is outdated, many players still use it. According to 343 Industries, if users use this game console to play “Halo”, they will need to upgrade or deal with the lost functions around December 2021.
Microsoft pointed out that the company will close the game service at the end of next year, and explained that a lot of work will be done in maintaining these traditional services and that this work will be better used for current and future projects of the franchise company.
In addition, the team pointed out that monthly usage of the “Halo” game service on Xbox 360 is declining, which makes it increasingly pointless for the company to continue supporting the service. 343 Industries explained in a blog post: “Each cycle spent maintaining and supporting Xbox 360 legacy services is a waste of time and energy on the future of Halo.”
The shutdown of the game service will be carried out in several phases. The first phase occurred in the fall of last year, the second phase is current, the third phase will be closed next year in the form of “continuous messaging”, followed by the final phase: service It will be closed in December 2021.