Microsoft OneDrive finally adds support for iOS Live Photos

After testing this feature in October this year, the official Microsoft blog announced today that the OneDrive iOS version of the app now officially supports iPhone uploading Live Photos. With Live Photos, your iOS device will record what happened 1.5 seconds before and after the photo. What you get is not a static image, but a moment captured with motion and sound. OneDrive can now store and playback all the actions and sounds of Live Photos.

After uploading, you can view your Live Photos on the OneDrive website and OneDrive iOS app. To playback the actions and sounds of Live Photos in the OneDrive iOS app, you can press and hold the photo in the OneDrive iOS app. To playback the actions and sounds of your Live Photos in OneDrive for the web, you can click the “Live” logo at the top left of the picture.

If you have uploaded Live Photos from your device, these photos will be stored as static photos by default. However, you can easily re-upload these photos to OneDrive as “Live Photos”.

Here are the steps:

  • Go to OneDrive settings> click “Camera upload”> click “Re-upload from original format”> switch to “Re-upload still photos as live photos”

This operation cannot be undone and Live Photos will be uploaded in the original format (by default, iOS devices capture Live Photos in HEIC format, but some Windows and Android devices cannot display it).

Uploading and playing Live Photos only supports OneDrive personal accounts. OneDrive work or school accounts cannot be activated.

If you are running the OneDrive app version 12.11 or higher and iOS 13 or higher, you will be able to enjoy this new feature.

Note: Live Photos are approximate twice the size of still photos, and they will take up more OneDrive storage space than still photos.